The Conservation Commissions’ purpose is to preserve and protect valuable, natural and open land, resources and to ensure the proper utilization of the natural resources of the Town.
- Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust
- Bradford Bog (Click here for trail guide with plant descriptions)
- Central NH Regional Planning Commission
- Chute Forest (An undeveloped 124-acre conservation area)
- Contoocook & North Branch Rivers Local Advisory Committee (CNBRLAC)
- Endangered and Threatened Wildlife of NH
- Farrar Marsh State Wildlife Management Area (Click here for history of marsh and surroundings)
- Five Rivers Conservation Trust (5RT)
- Fox State Forest (Click here for map and trail descriptions)
- Franklin Pierce Lake (Click here for map)
- Gleason Falls (Under a stone arch bridge)
- Harris Center for Conservation Education (Hancock, NH)
- House Rock (A fractured 3,000 ton glacial erratic)
- Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP)
- Loon Pond
- Low State Forest (1,667 acre wilderness)
- NH Association of Conservation Commissions (NHACC)
- NH Audubon
- NH Department of Environmental Services
- NH Fish and Game
- NH Granit (A university of NH geographic information system clearing house with online map services)
- NH Lakes Association
- Shoreland Protection Act (Verbatim part of NH water protection law)
- Shoreland Protection Information
- Society for the Protection of NH Forests
- Stone Arch Bridges of Hillsborough (Brief History) (Historic Photos)
- Surrounding Towns’ Conservation Commissions: Antrim, Bradford, Deering, Henniker, Washington
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Wenny-Baker Forest on Thompson Hill (Trail available to summit, with limited views)